Night Owls and Other Dangerous Creatures

Cathy Lanski
2 min readFeb 26, 2022

I stay up late. Too late. But not in a getting things done kind of way. My late nights have more of a watching murdery shows and arguing with people on the internet kind of vibe.

The idea of getting up and having one of those 4 am uber-productive billionaire mornings sound virtuous, but why? Are there any inspiring billionaires?

One of my goals is to get more sleep, but I don’t put much effort into it. My goal is 7 hours a night, but that might not be realistic. I read or get sucked into TikTok or Twitter. I try cutting off social media at 10 pm from time to time, most recently Wednesday, February 23rd. Yes, the night Russia invaded Ukraine. No sleep till Brooklyn.

Previously, when earth-shattering events occurred, I would tune into a cable channel and pretty much leave it on around the clock on either CNN or more likely MSNBC. While I’m still a big fan of specific shows, like Rachel Maddow, I’ve been disillusioned by the behavior of each network over the last six years, give or take. I used to turn on MSNBC as soon as I got up, I stopped when Mika and Joe thoughtlessly or intentionally normalized the carnival barker/game show host who sullied the White House for four years.

Now, I get updates from Twitter (verifiable sources of course) and I’ll start my day with podcasts. What a Day or Rachel Maddow if I need news. Something fun otherwise.

As far as sleep goes. I typically get between 5 and 6 hours. I asked my doctor about it and she said, “Oh are you dragging all the next day, then?” I thought about it and said, “No, actually, I’m fine.” She said, don’t worry about it, then.”

Works for me!

